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Our Murals are priced based on the size and number of tiles, simple as that.


When the Mural is to be framed, we build that as well, after the tile is produced.

A small variance in tile size is normal, but that means that the frames are built last.


Building the frame is approximately a 3-day process.

All the raw material is sized and stacked weeks prior to use.

1st day the material is cut and dry fit with the tile and glued.

2nd day the frame is checked again to the tile and then sanded.

3rd day the finish coats are done.


The cost for the frame is based on -

Frame material

Plywood that the tile is mounted on

Finish coat material

Adhesive for the tile


A simple way to figure an approximate frame cost

75¢ per lineal inch


An Example

 6 tile Mural with 4.25" tile is 

2 x 8.5" = 17" sides

2 x 12.75" = 25.5" top & bottom

17" + 25.5" = 42.5" x 75¢ = $31.88 Frame Cost

6 x $6 = $36.00 Tile Cost

$31.88 + $36.00 = $67.88 Aprox Total Cost






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Tailor-Made Homes, LLC

Mailing: 4742 Liberty Road South #155, Salem  OR  97302

Cell: 503-999-4809



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