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We make this as easy as possible


If we provided an order gateway it takes a burden off of us and puts it entirely on you 

Easy on us, but not on you

How do you know which tile to use?

Which size?

Did you divide correctly?

What part of the image will be lost due to cropping?


We like to start with an e-mail

You let us know what you want to do - placement, approximate size, etc.

Attach your image if you have it available

Let us know your contact information and a good follow-up time

We answer your questions with an e-mail and a phone call


 Image isn’t available to e-mail – Just give us a call


A single 4" tile is as important to us as to you - Because of our business being based on your referrals


 Everything that we do is Custom and on a One-On-One basis



Phone: 503-999-4809



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